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Ted-ed talk, witness yourself!

On November 29th, there were a big event happened at Lincoln, the ted-ed presentation, finally comes. There were three sub-venue, in the high school, middle school and elementary school. The high school presentation took place in the aula magna. Students were well-prepared, and the presentation attracted many audience---they are some high school students, teachers, and some parents. Let's celebrate the success we made in the final presentation! We had prepared it for a long time( almost one semester). If you are still surprising at or praising us, you never know it has been a journey for us to finally stand on the stage, wearing a microphone, changing slides and share our ideas. We experienced the the whole process, from the ice breaking ceremony to find the topic, from the discussion and lessons to the final draft, form the rehearsals to the final presentation, we received a lot. Ted talk is not only a presentation, but also our bright ideas worth spreading, our friendship, our presentation skills, and our practices. I have been asked a question from a teacher: what’s the common fear of people in the world? The answer is “giving speeches”. Why? Cause you need to stand in front of a bunch of people and share your ideas. We have various topics, like education, global issues, and politics, others like personal experiences, teenagers... In order to show the best of us to you and all the ted-ed friends, we discussed a lot of skills ,like performing skills, the skill of making slides, etc, and we gradually change from Cocoon to a butterfly. This cannot do without the teacher's help, and those helpful feedbacks after each rehearsal. I remember at first, I have just confirmed my topic, but I don’t know how to organize the structure. But after listen to some teachers’ and Ted-Ed team’s advice, of how to make it better and acceptable, I finally decided the structure and strat finish the draft. I remember on the first rehearsal, everyone was nervous, and most of us cannot remember our speech, and we need to use our device, but we are surprised at our rapid progress, we can leave our device, and just use some note cards, or even don’t use them. I remember the applause of the audience, even cheers we got. Before the final presentation, we did some final practice. We were also moved in and relaxed though teacher’s encouragements and meditation before the presentation. But we know, this is not our last show. “I am afraid”, “ this is not our culture” “ difference between traveling and study abroad”” why music matter”.... these interesting or serious topics, are not only our teenagers’ voice. I hope that these good and success speeches can be chosen to present on ted-edx( tedxyouth organizing team), to share our ideas worth spreading, to improve ourselves, to witness ourselves!

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